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How to Upload/Import Client Signatures

You will first have to create a new client in order to collect their signature. If you are unsure of this process please check out the help article How to Add a Client. 

1. During the process of creating a client, you will be given the option to choose how your client will be signing the authorization. You will then select “My client will electronically sign now on this computer."  

2. Your client can either sign directly sign from your computer or you can  upload a file with your clients signature and initials. 

3. Select upload to upload your client's signature/initials. Please crop the signature/ initials to to fit the provided box. 


4. Once the signature and initial has been uploaded select "agree and continue."  

5. you will then be prompted to verify and review the authorizations providing Medchart to request records on your behalf. Select confirm and continue. 

6. Lastly, you will have the option to upload your client's photo ID. This step is not mandatory but we do recommend uploading a government issued photo ID. 

Great job! You now know how to upload a clients signature directly to their profile. If you have further questions and or concerns please contact us at [email protected] 

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