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How to Set Invoice Auto-Approval Limits

Please note that only Admin Users will have access to this function.  

1. Click on gear icon on the right navigation menu.



2.Click on Organization settings


3. Once you are on the Account Information page > Select the Request Settings tab.

4.Select the pencil icon on the right side of request settings.




5.On the Set-up Auto Approval Thresholds option, you can decide the maximum amount an HIC (Health Information Custodian) can request without needing approval from a clerk. For example if you set the threshold amount to $100 , each time we receive an invoice from a provider for less than $100, this amount will be auto-approved so a clerk does not need to go into action items to approve the fee manually. You can also set an amount that will trigger an approval requirement from an Admin user. Enter the desired amounts in the Threshold Value $ text boxes and then select a User from the Invoice Approval Admin drop-down list. Once done, click Save. 


Congratulations! You have finished setting your firm's invoice auto-approval limit!

If you have questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

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