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Staff User Roles and Permission

There are two types of Users in Medchart: Admin Users and Regular Users. We recommend that Partners, Lawyers, and Office Administrators are registered as Admin Users.  


Below outlines what privileges each user type has:


Admin User Capabilities

Regular User Capabilities

Download/Upload Authorization Forms

Download/Upload Authorization Forms

Create Clients

Create Clients

Request Records

Request Records

Approve/Reject HIC Invoices for Their Own Requests

Approve/Reject HIC Invoices for Their Own Requests

Download All Records

Download All Records

Cancel Requests

Cancel Requests

Set Auto-Approval Limits for HIC Invoices

Set Admin-Approval Requirements for Invoices

Approve/Reject HIC Invoices for Other Users' Requests

Edit Organization Information (firm name, logo, billing contact, etc.)

Add Credits to Account

See Account Balance and Invoice

Add Staff Users

Create Staff Groups

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