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How to Re-activate a Client Profile

If you would like to re-activate a client's profile that you have previously archived , follow the steps below: 

1. Select the client tab on the top left hand side of the portal. 

2. Once you are on the client's dashboard , on the top right hand of the screen you will  see the "More" tab. 

3. Once you select the More , you will have the option to "view archived clients." 

4. You will then be navigated to a table with all the archived clients - select the desired client. 

5. You will then be navigated to the client's profile. On the client's profile next to New Request button select "More," you will then be able to re-activate the client's profile and place requests as normal. 

If you have further questions or would like more clarifications please email us at support@medchart.com 

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