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How to Add a Client with a Substitute Decision Maker

1. On the top left side of the portal select the Clients tab

2. Click the Create Client button on the Clients dashboard.

3. Select “A Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) is signing the consents and click next. 

 4. Fill out the Substitute Decision Maker Information form. You will need to identify the type of SDM your client has, enter their basic information (name and contact details), and identify what this SDM can do on behalf of the client.

5. Enter in the client’s information as normal.

6. At the bottom of the form, identify why your client requires an SDM. Click Submit once done. 

7. Click Collect SDM Signature (on behalf of client) in the client registration checklist.

8. Identify which method you will be using to collect the SDM’s signature. (Please note that this article focuses on collecting the signature via email, but you may use whichever method works best for you. If you would like more information on the different signature collection methods, please click here.)

9. Enter the SDM’s email address if you have not done so already and click Send Email.

The client’s SDM will receive an email prompting them to provide their signature and initials, which will be applied to the required authorizations as needed.

10. Click SDM document in the checklist.

11. You will then be navigated to a page where you will be able to upload the necessary SDM documents  (substitute decision maker documents) , and a copy of your client's Photo ID. 


Please note that you should be using a document that proves the client’s Substitute Decision Maker can legally act on behalf of the client. Which document you should use depends on the type of Substitute Decision Maker your client has. For example, if your client’s parent is acting on their behalf, you can use a long form birth certificate to prove the relationship between the two. If your client’s Power of Attorney is acting for them, a document naming them as such should be provided. 

Please refer to our article Types of SDM (Substitute Decision Maker) Documents  for a list of documents that will be acceptable.  

12. Click Save once done.

13. Click View Client in the checklist.

Congratulations! Your client’s profile is now set up with a Substitute Decision Maker.

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